Tuesday, January 26, 2010
W for world disasters
Some recent disasters in the past 20 years. These are some events. In 1990 a 7.7 earthquake hit northwest Iran, which killed at least 50 000. In 1991 Bangladesh suffered a flood which resulted in 139 000 deaths. 1995-98 a famine and flood occured in North Korea resulting in over 3 million dead. Iran, 2003 an earquake happened killing 26 271 people. An earthquake, 9.0 and the resulting tsunami, one of the WORST world disasters. It majorly affected Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Maldives, Somalia, Tanzania, Seychelles, Bangladesh and Andaman. This tragedy resulted in 285 000 deaths. The most recent disaster was in Haiti. This earthquake so far has killed 100 000 and still counting.
It is so sad that these terrible events happen and humans cannot do anything about it. So many families have been ripped apart from these disasters. One of the worst things about these things is that these tsunami's and earthquakes hit some of the poorest places in the world. Such as Haiti, they were one of the poorest places in the world with barely anything and then get a disaster such as this. People all over are helping people in Haiti and are still helping. Canada is a big donor to relief efforts all over the world.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
S is for Steroids.
Im sure that who ever made steroids had the best intentions. Since they don't allow it in sports it has become horrible. If it were allowed in sports steroids would be a great thing to most people, although it just makes you stronger that can be the difference in what house you live in, what car you have and much more. I think it's a good thing that steroids isn't allowed in sports, because it can say that someone is good, but it doesn't show true talent if you are all buff from pills.
Steroids can be the worst thing for atheletes. Like Tiger Woods it could make you loose SO MANY sponsors, and money. It might sound like I think that money is all that atheletes want, but for some it is just the love for a sport. These people that play at a professional level really are the people that should represent the sport. These are the people that most people look up to, not people that cheat their way into fame.
LIFE LESSON: never Ever EVER use steroids.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Connor started to play rugby in grade 10 and he loved the sport. We are half Irish, so he had heard of it before and wanted to try it. He tried basketball in grade 9 but he didnt like it as much as rugby. He played rugby for Fergus in the summer. He met alot of friends there and he traveled all over the place. I once saw him play at Laurier and it was really cool, because Mr.Katsube is one of the football coaches there.
Connor was born in London, Ontario same as me, in 1991. He asked for a baby brother for Christmas when he was six but he sort of regrets it now. I think he thought it would be cool if he had a brother to hang around with, but he just never had the same interests as me, because of the 6 year age difference. I think that when he became around the teenager age he liked to have a little brother to pick on.
LIFE LESSON= If you have an older brother or sister don't hate them, because you'll regret it when they move away.