Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Middle School team building day

I think our team was good at making all the activities fun and including everyone. We worked well as a team, and tried as hard as we could to finish the task. Some times we failed, but we still tried are hardest. We were good at all the low ropes, and balance. The activity when you had to get the tire off of the 10 foot pole, we didn't solve it, but we had some REALLY good ideas, and techniques.

There weren't many things are team didn't do well at, but one that comes to mind is when you had to get to a different platforms across wire ropes. It was difficult, because some platforms didnt have ropes on them. We had to communicate for plans to give ropes to other people, so we had to think about others and not just yourself. Another thing is on the low ropes we were good sometimes and bad sometimes. Sometimes people wouldn't wait for other people and they would just go off with thier own rope and then the person behind wouldnt get the rope.

Overall it was a fun place to be, and a good way to meet all the new kids that come to the school and learn about them. The drum circle was a cool and new thing to me. The room was completely filled with drums, sticks, wooden frogs and ofcourse drums. The leader was very hyper and energetic, and skilled with drums. After my hands must have been purple from beating my hand on a drum, overall Norval was a fun place.

1 comment:

  1. awesome jop damon norval was a good day ya your groub was good at group work
